Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending two days in Boston for Patrick and Jennifer’s wedding! Friday night I headed to their gorgeous new townhouse for the rehearsal dinner and Saturday we spent some time in different parts of the city and ended up at Mistral for their ceremony and reception.  It was a […]

April 14, 2014

Jennifer & Patrick | Wedding at Mistral, Boston, MA

Take a peek at the beautiful wedding of Maura and Ben! It was a gloomy and wet day outdoors, but amazingly beautiful inside of the Ritz:)! On the right is Maura’s grandmother’s ring that she wore for the day….Maura’s niece is the little one on the left – she is just TOO cute! She was […]

April 10, 2014

maura & ben | wedding at the ritz carlton, boston, ma

I have been anxiously awaiting the return of Charlene and Mike from their honeymoon so that I could share this with them and last night I received the, “We are back” email:)! Charlene and Mike were married at Independence Harbor on March 22nd – one of the best March weather days here in Massachusetts!  I […]

April 3, 2014

charlene & mike | wedding at Independence harbor, assonet, ma

This wedding is near and dear to me…not only is it a fellow Foxboro graduate, but he is from my time at FHS!  I have known Erik and his friends for many years now, and I had the pleasure to get to know his whole family when I shot his sister’s wedding in June! My […]

August 31, 2012

erik & melissa | wedding at the hyatt harbor side, boston, ma

Our day started off bright and early for Kim and Alex’s wedding at Gibbet Hill! Even though it was early, everyone was wide awake and laughing together:)!A few last minute touch-ups, while Kim was getting her hair done…Practically across the hall, Alex was getting ready too…He had written a note to Kim on the bottom […]

August 22, 2012

Kim & Alex | Wedding at The Barn at Gibbet Hill, MA

Diane & Mike were married at Oakley Country Club on July 7th…a very hot and humid day:)!! Luckily we stayed cool during the thick of it, in Diane’s parents home and in the air-conditioned church:)!! When I arrived the girls were just wrapping up make-up and it was time to get on Diane’s dress and […]

July 24, 2012

Diane & Mike | Wedding at Oakley Country Club, Watertown, MA