Introducing the adorable baby Caroline! She is the daughter of Jen and Jake…one of my wedding couples from last year! I am so happy for them and all of the wonderful things that have happened to them in the last year…It has been an exciting one for them! Caroline is adorable! Although she is not […]

May 20, 2011

Baby Caroline | Massachusetts Newborn Photographer

April has been a WHIRLWIND…In between shooting, meetings, and hard-core album making, I traveled to Florida for our annual springtime visit to see my parents. As soon as we returned back to Massachusetts, I took off again (literally by airplane…haha!!) to Indianapolis! The second trip was for work…It was a photography workshop for two and […]

April 27, 2011

A Whirlwind of a Month | Naples, Florida

December 24, 2010

Warm Wishes…

Last week, I had the pleasure of photographing Erin and her family. Erin is my former co-worker and is also my friend. We can honestly talk for hours about our children, photography, scrapbooking, crafting, shopping and home decor! We have a lot in common! Erin and her husband recently added a new little girl to […]

October 12, 2010

A Family of Five | Hopkinton, Ma Family Photographer

I am SO excited to announce that I am the first “Featured Photographer” at a new blog! The blog will be highlighting photographers from all over the United States, and the two fabulous ladies that are running the blog decided to start with Massachusetts…and chose ME!! All I can say is THANK YOU! I am so […]

April 27, 2010

Featured Photographer | Massachusetts Wedding and Portrait Photographer