Wintertime is album time around here:)! I thought I would share a few more album spreads from the albums that I have been working on in the last couple of weeks! 

March 8, 2013

Albums Galore | Massachusetts & Rhode Island Wedding Photographer

Winter time is always album wrap up time, and this winter I am already underway! I thought I would share a handful of spreads for the last couple of albums I have been working on! Winter also tends to be guest book making time for the upcoming season:)! These are a couple of pages from […]

February 26, 2013

Album time | Massachusetts Wedding Photographer

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of heading down to Newport with my friend and second shooter, Sharon Reiley, to photograph April and Mike’s wedding! Although at our final meeting we had talked about the cold temperatures that were expected that weekend, it actually turned out to be a mild day for January! Perfect for […]

January 14, 2013

april & mike | wedding at ocean cliff, newport, ri

This week, I met up with Jill and Shavit, for their snowy engagement session! They are having a winter wedding in 2014, but they love the winter snow so much, they wanted to be sure to have some snow in their pictures (in case their isn’t snow come February 14′!). It was a bit cold, […]

January 4, 2013

jill & shavit | boston engagement photographer

Last week, I met Nicole and Joe in Boston for their engagement session! We had a great time, but it was super cold! Luckily the next time I work with them, we will have some warmer temps:)! We started out session at the spot where they got engaged and then moseyed around that area of Boston […]

November 28, 2012

Nicole & Joe | Boston Engagement Photographer

Last week, I met Kendra and Shawn in Boston for their engagement session. From the moment I met Kendra, she knew this was the perfect spot for them, because it was only a few minutes from their new home! When I originally met with Kendra, I got to meet her mother too! It was one […]

November 21, 2012

kendra & shawn | boston engagement photographer