Last week I had the pleasure of visiting with one of my 2013 wedding couples (check out there wedding at Ocean Edge here) for their maternity session!! It was a great day of chatting with them, seeing their beautiful new home AND of course, Kristen’s adorable growing belly! She has a perfect little basketball belly:)!
Kristen and Joel have decided to wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl – hence the pictures of both boy and girl shoes:)!
I am awaiting their call to find out what they are having AND to go photograph the new little one – I can’t wait!
Joel is an awesome guy and he is always full of surprises for Kristen – the nursery was one of those surprises! He actually did the entire nursery himself (including painting that awesome stripe) and he kept it as a secret surprise for her! The big reveal happened at her shower – so cool!!This blanket was actually made for Kristen incorporating one of the bridesmaid dresses! The blue ruffle is actually a dress!
Kristen and Joel – I will be anxiously awaiting your call!