These adorable munchkins, belong to Jiliane and Chris, who are officially tying the knot this September! When I met up with the two of them for their engagement session, their little munchkins came along so that we could get a few family shots! Jiliane’s parents also met us there, so that they could take them out exploring, playing, and eating (of course:) while we spent the rest of the time focusing on Jil and Chris!
When the kids first left us, Jil and Chris were definitely a bit nervous….when you are parents (as I am too:), it is hard to switch back into couple mode when you are so used to having the little ones right there with you, BUT that feeling quickly dissolved (with a little reminding that this is THEIR time and to enjoy it:)! and they were FABULOUS together!After a few minutes at the spot where we met up in Westerly, I suggested we head over to a spot where I had been a couple of years before! We started on our way and stopped along the way for more pictures….
During this time, Chris mentioned that he thought Taylor Swifts house was up the way that we were heading, and he was right!! There was a guard at the end of the driveway and some orange cones….when we got up to it, we found the best sign (that also ties into how they met – read their answers below)….The sign says, “I knew you were trouble when you walked in. NO TRESPASSING”…..such a clever use of her lyrics:)!
WELLL…the guard told us she wasn’t there, and it turns out he wasn’t fibbing – she was in NYC that day BUT we were there on Monday and by Friday Taylor was there with a ton of her Hollywood friends:)! According to US Weekly (because I do watch and read my fair share of Hollywood gossip:)….she had a big 4th of July bash! They included some pictures in the article, so I thought I would include them here!! WE were standing in the exact spot that Taylor and company were in just days later….check out the lighthouse in our picture below AND in the ocean jumping picture above:)! The tide was further in due to the horrible storm on the 4th, but it is the exact same spot:)! Kinda fun:)!
Now back to the session of Jil and Chris:)! We spent some time on the beach….
These are some of my favorites….the wind blown hair the texture of the waves in the background and their connection = fabulous photos:)!
The sun was setting and made for some gorgeous lighting!
We headed back towards our original spot to see the sun set and it was beautiful!
Jiliane and Chris – I had a great time with the two of you (and your whole family:)! I can’t wait for your big day in September…it is going to be fabulous:)!
Together since | november 2005
Engaged on | september 2012
Getting married | september 12, 2014
Wedding location | lake pearl lucianos, wrentham, ma
Both originally from | Rhode Island
How did you meet | Chris and Jill first met on a fall night back in October of 2005. Separately, they were invited to a party at a mutual friend’s house where the theme for the night was Black Tie. Just having met, the two immediately hit it off and became friends; the first step in any solid relationship. And although Chris was “somewhat” dating someone else at the time, he slipped and said to Jill, “you’re going to be trouble for me.” (we love the irony of the Taylor Swift sign!!) They started spending time together, with the frequency intensifying over the following months. Eventually, they decided that it was time to take things to the next level and they became a “couple” the following February.